Monday, March 14, 2011

Hipster Traps

It may seem cruel to hunt them, but left unchecked, the hipster population would grow at an exponential rate.  This would put an enormous strain on our nation's supply of smug superiority, and it would greatly increase the chances that you would be forced to talk to one of them at a party.
So I present, Hipster Traps!

And then there's this, for the lols!

And I'll finish up with a comic, you've probably never heard of it.


  1. LOL I think anyone would be pissed if you put a padlock in their plugs!

  2. Was ist das? Hïpster Hitler? If you don't want to talk to Hipsters at a party, you can always start playing something mainstream so they'll leave. Make sure to put away any apple products or vinyl records too.

  3. I actually have a friend who has done that lock one.
    The guy never noticed and it was hilarious.

  4. Lol, I could imagine doing the padlock to someone...god that would just ruin someone's day XD

  5. Oh goddamn I want to do the padlock one so bad LOL

  6. Ha that last picture is hilarious!

  7. hahaha That's fucking awesome. I definitely need to try that padlock one. But chances are, I will never want to get that close to a hipster in the first place.

  8. lol @ hipster hitler

    where the hell

  9. ah i never got into these hipster hitler comics. usually i find all stuff about hitler hilarious but these.. i dunno

  10. haha omg the lock. that would be insanely cruel

  11. Hahaha, love the padlock idea. Nice and heavy!

  12. silly silly hipsters. i love posting pictures of hipters :D

  13. Always remember to tag your hipsters if you plan on releasing them back out into the wild!

  14. Ooo that second one would be so painful.

  15. I could never understand the ear things. That's just asking to get ripped out.
